LRT Ready 2019 Seminars

SESSION 3: Developing Construction Mitigation Strategies: An Oakville Perspective

November 21, 2019

Click here to view the full video (unedited LRT Ready session)

SESSION 2: Return Field Trip to Waterloo: A Local LRT Perspective

September 25, 2019

SESSION 1: Blueprint for Offsetting the Effects of Construction

June 19, 2019

LRT Ready 2018 Seminars

SESSION 1: Countdown to Construction

July 19, 2018

SESSION 2: A Local LRT Perspective

August 24, 2018

SESSION 3: Hamilton Laneway Tour

October 30, 2018

SESSION 4: Re-thinking Travel During Construction

November 27, 2018

LRT Ready 2017 Seminars

SESSION 1: The LRT Big Picture: How to Prepare for Construction and its Impacts

June 6, 2017

SESSION 2: Field Trip: A Local LRT Perspective

August 21, 2017

SESSION 3: Developing a Successful Customer Engagement and Retention Strategy

October 12, 2017

SESSION 4: Deploying an Effective Communications, Social Media and Online Marketplace

November 16, 2017



LRT Ready™ is an initiative of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce